(Ad from local Best Buy's, bottom left and top related to tablets)
Here you will see postings of issues and topics related to the PC, its use, management and problems end users face in the real world. I will also review online services, store merchants and end product quality of items. I will do so without regard to who the manufacturers are, or what their standing are in the industry. Also covered on this blog will be some local issues of interest and the occasional editorials on topics that just grab my attention and may also yours.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Touch Tablet War is on for the Holidays!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The New Boxee Box is here finally!

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Review of the Roku Box from Netgear!
This is my attempt to review the new Roku box that are available right now at some of the local retail stores as well as various online web sites like the manufacturers, Roku.com. First factor that impressed me was the price for what it offered in comparison to other living room type of media boxes using the internet as its primary source. I purchased mine at a local Best Buys (didn't want to wait in the mail for it and no extra savings doing so) and chose the elite model for $79.99. I was surprised to see just how simple this device is to setup and that it came with built in wifi abilities allowing me to just about locate it anywhere in my home but the cable connect was available and does provide for a better viewing experience. With the ability (the model I chose) to play 1080P video from various sources (paid or free), I was amazed just how good it performed, the easy and small remote control similar to appleTV's. This device is a real threat to the boxee box, AppleTV, GoogleTV and others trying to work their way into the living room entertainment business model. I have always enjoyed boxee app on my mac-mini but I could not justify paying so much for the external box created by D-Link for the Boxee group. I still think that the Boxee model is the one to fear and emulate especially since it works so well on mac's PC's. Boxee's owners could take over the market if it just lowered the external boxes price to a reasonable one that competes against the other contenders. So I give it 4 stars out of 5 for the Roku box only lacking in its applications list providing both youtube and integration with a local PC or Mac for media files to display in the living room or where ever its located. Maybe we will see an app for that on the Roku box soon, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Review of the Roku Box from Netgear!
This my attempt to review the new Roku box's available at some local retail stores and online as well.
Roku's WebSite
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Scripted MacMini Dilema Support
It's been just abo
ut over 2 years since I made the leap to a Mac (Mac-Mini) after getting tired of having to diagnose and re-diagnose mostly software conflicts in my previously owned PC's. All I wanted to do is really get some work done on my computer and have it work when I needed it to do so in an application. Many will say that any and all issues can be addressed with the PC if directed to the right place but who exactly knows what that means after all I'm no newbie at this. I have been involved
in electronics since 1975 and personal computers since they first starting appearing as toys on the market, yes toys not taken seriously. So looking at the specifications of the Mac-Mini and its ability to use MS Windows OS as well to make the transition easier, I made the leap at a relatively low cost (almost, less then $1k and thats without a monitor). I was surprised to see that this ignored computer by most was really quite good and very functional and a whole new world opened up for me in computer use. Mind you I had tried previous versions of the Apple computers in the past but none seemed to satisfy my need or hunger as a enthusiast in electronics to own, let alone the pricing of this very poorly market supported device (little software and or games). Many will recall and even today just how few software title there are for the Mac as compared to the PC's but quantity doesn't always transform to usability or stability. The PC compatible Microsoft OS based realm was (and still is) unstable at the very least but it is getting better. Most enterprises still use PC's and there preferred OS from Microsoft so they will not disappear anytime soon but they suffered in the last few years this and other flaws.

My newly installed memory is working somewhat properly with the exception of what I explained but I saw no real reason to believe the new memory was either bad, incompatible with the computer or the wrong type for it. The Apple representative refused to acknowledge the OS & devices acceptance of the hardware upgrade discounting it to be a fallacy or lie on my part. The last advise I got from Apple representative was to buy a newer Mac Mini or an Apple computer that would accept more memory, of course through Apple only with a pricy tag (bad economy, don't have money to waste besides my Mac is still good or maybe they just want to stop supporting it like my old IPhone 2G, phasing them out). I decided that I'm not going to spend any more money in another Apple product (for now) and it really puts into question whether or not I should even invest in the future in any Apple product if this is the approach they will take. It almost appears like an orphaned group of products being abandoned by Apple's hierarchy. Customer service is lacking a bit right now or support depends way too much on reading a scripted screen for support answers but I'm hopeful it will change and more experienced logical thinking staff are hired soon to answer the phones of serious customers with an IQ higher then a chimpanzee, we can only hope.

I made sure that my newly purchased memory matched the specifications required (bus speed, type) and I also rechecked it through the 3rd parties online seller utility plus descriptions (supplier has a good reputation of supplying memory for all types of computers including many Mac's). The new OS recognized it, identified it and passed it in its pre-boot test process and OS. The only place where I saw that memory was not being recognized was in the "Activity Monitor" application built-into the OSX. It reported a total of 3GB for use, missing 1gb. The other day I called into Apple's support system to ask a very logical question about memory usage or recognition on my Mac Mini I upgraded to improve the performance. I saw no logical reason to believe it would not be recognized properly but that did not happen. What I got from Apple's support system at the other end was a scripted tech response locked down to illogical conclusions and useless chatter even though it was politely done. I explained that I went from 2GB of ram to 4GB and that the old and the new OSX recognized it as being there and functional (pre-boot testing). The representative still insisted that my Mac Mini model would not function or recognize anything higher then 2 gb but he was wrong. The 1GB, a major loss and what poor reflection on the claims of 64 bit performance advantages as described online at Apple's web site.

Monday, September 20, 2010
The new evolution of the Internet!
It has come finally to the attention of some of the media savvy or so called experts in technology to proclaim that an unavoidable clash between the cable providers and online streaming with the Internet will happen soon. I have for some time now been saying this conflict can't be avoided. We are in a time that our elected officials see the possibilities of this happening and the advent of future technologies on the web to produce what is not yet possible due to limiting red tape and binding crippling laws that they are now willing to change in order to allow the web services to grow (I hope so). Of course the company Blockbuster had a leg up on this at one time as opposed to NetFlix but we now know that this is no longer is the case. We should ask ourselves exactly why this happened and where was the geniuses of Blockbusters been while this was going on? Well it's pretty simple really they just did not want to see the needs of their consumers but rather the bottom dollar abusive practices that the car manufacturers have been doing for years and drove them to bankruptcy. When will they ever learn that the customer comes first and that a small percentage gain is more reliable in time then any fast action abusive financial practices these companies wish to do. I'm amazed by the longevity of some companies through hard times like IBM and others and despite their short fallings they still exists today rather then others who tried to get fast easy money at the expense of customers, you and me. So will they finally learn a lesson or will they continue to try to ream their customers for all they can? We will have to see just how stupid these so called talented CEO's do in the future especially in these hard times we are in today.
It isn't enough that some companies live in the past and wish to impose (sometimes by law) their antiquated practices by way of providing poor or limited services and or over charging us for it (by force), but they also now want to cripple the very technological advances that could propel the internet into a new evolutionary phase of existence for the better good of us all. The cell phone industry is also going this route and just about all media is hanging on for dear life as the Internet evolves into a consumer choice of services on demand or another cable provider that the consumers can control at their whim. If these companies would just get their fat heads out of their A holes and start thinking with reason they will see many opportunities that are available to gain their so called bottom dollar within reason, if they do not I'm sure the foreign markets will. Technology will not stand still and wait for a few mentally challenged CEO's in the industry to finally wake up, it will go on and evolve many services like it or not by the industries involved. Today Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter and others are the stars of the Industry but it may not be that way in the not too distant future especially if there are talented kids in a garage inventing the new hot services or items to come to light. After all didn't most of our now top dogs start out in one form or another that way? So I say to the industry now to start putting the consumer first and stop abusing them with higher and higher fees unjustly. Take a smaller steady percentage so that you may last longer in the tech world to come and make products and services that the consumers really want not like some of these crippled devices that exist today. It's within their grasps to do so, or not it's their choice.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
VRPCWORLD 1st Podcast
Just the 1st of many videos/ podcasts so keep checking out the YouTube account at: http://www.youtube.com/vrpcworld
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Death of Cable TV!
Reading and listening to many of the news related articles in reference to the cable industries last attempts to stay alive within the new world order of the Internet revolution, has made me to imagine quite easily a world without Cable TV service at all. With net neutrality becoming a topic to discuss not only in our homes but now with our federal government agencies and elected officials, how it will affect the cable TV industry is a very scary topic for the industry or media to bring up at this time. You have to wonder how cable TV will be able to continue when so many people (and growing every moment) now more and more dependent on direct access to movies and shows on the internet when they want it and NOT from a cable TV channel line-up. The cell phone industries boom lately had a lot to do with the publics ever growing demand for more media intense content online. This puts the cell phone providers (and also Cable TV) in a corner of unexpected and uncontrolled data hunger from the public. It is in many ways directly related to Apple's unpredicted talented attempts to make cell phones & mobile devices used more with media friendly Internet apps but the home desktop use has largely been ignored and it's on the rise. This is largely due to the news medias lack off reporting on this not very well discussed or openly subject of the industry (what problem?).
The cable providers band aid cure (as we can see) are just imposing unwarranted data ceiling limits to the general public and making up excuses that they "just can't handle it". An industry that has been around so long and claim to be able to provide unsustainable speed performance most of the time to the consumers as reported just recently by the Federal government agencies that oversee them. Now Apple and in some parts Google's Android OS has created another surge in demand for content with their new product lines success. The Android OS is now powering up many cell phone devices and is on its way to becoming the de-facto OS for most tablets to come and who knows what else. The demand is great but the need to know by those involve in the industry on how to gouge their consumers inside this new world order is scary but they are working on it believe me. The consumer must be vigilant against this new form of consumer abuse within our new Internet world to come or the industry will have its way. The audio and video industry is learning how not to completely stifle the innovative leaps in technology, they need to so as well.
So do not be surprised if someday soon you see different packages from your cable providers making less emphasis on their Cable TV channel line-ups and more on phone services (cell also) and of course your direct line access to the Internet based services. We are all seeing how many home intended devices (TV's, Blue-ray players and more) are Internet friendly with built in and downloadable apps ready. At times, these devices are a bit too friendly for the cable industry to handle, but thats ok. They have cured it (at least they think so) with the "finger-in-the-dyke" analogy of hope and their data limit policies rammed down our throats.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
REVIEW: Ipad's/ Epad's from China

Through the use of Ebay's listings to purchase many items (recommend it) and other sources you can find easily, you can get a cheap but useful IPad like device made in China. These touch tablets (EPad/ APad) are inexpensive to get, and fill in a hole left open by the fever to get an IPad when none are available through Apple's website or stores due to their shortages. Leave it to Apple's big shots to start a new wave of need and then not take advantage of it by making enough units. Most IPad owners lucky enough to get one are in the tech media with a few exceptions. I also found its small 7 inch footprint to be easier to handle for long periods of time in my hand(s).

Having sparked my childhood curiosity of knowing what's inside and makes it work, I tore into my Epad to be surprised by the level of technology and design these so called CHEAP touch tablets have inside. It should really be no surprise to anyone this fact because most or our products are made overseas like china and they have the experience to do something like this but outside the US corporate control of over pricing and gauging the consumers. Most US based tech reviewers and so called experts do not have it in their interests to speak positively about these products preferring to convince us that our USA branded ones are better, you feel better paying for more I guess. There are exceptions to this tech media bias but they are few, so take care who's advice you believe before buying, they have hidden agendas and many times sponsors that encourage them to do this.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Google and Verizon go into bed to kill Net Neutrality!
Hearing all this news about Net Neutrality both online and in printed media (a dieing industry), forces me to touch upon a subject I have been addressing for some time especially with my ISP. Unrealistic data limits imposed by both cell phone carriers (5GB per month,really) and your ISP's (your cable provider usually like Comcast with 250GB limit per month) must be addressed and reflect the reality of today's situation. The reasons that so many online tech media buffs are in an uproar about this is because it affects them the most (using cell phones like a fat lady in a candy store) and they don't like it. I do not convict them from bringing this important subject to light on there shows or news articles, God knows someone has to do it with so many indifferent people unwilling to take action or point it out.
I have always said, since the advent of data limits by the carriers that the practice was unfair and also crippling to the video on demand or streaming industry which is just begining to flourish with innovations. These rules and practices stifle innovations in these industries and is a greedy power play by the carriers to earn more income at the expense of customer service trying to make a quick buck with no regard to their own stable financial futures. As an example, just take a look at our US auto industries plunders and their inevitable fall from the consumers confidence and support where they were forced to file for bankruptcy, mergers, and eliminating many product lines. The auto industry had to adapt to our current reality and seek out the help of the federal government with bailouts (and who knows what else) just to survive and so does the internet carrier companies before they become the GM's and Chrysler's. Consumers in the end is the primary force for success or failure so it's best not to screw with them. It's funny, there are laws currently enacted and several federal & state agencies suppose to protect us from these types of abuses, but they are either have an interest to keep quite and do nothing or they're too stupid to do the jobs they were hired to do (and may I note with expensive salaries to do so).
I enjoyed main street media (non techy) covering this topic like Countdown from MSNBC with Keith Olberman (hope spelling is right) but we all have to become involved and contact the FCC, FTC, the White house or anyone else with power to do something about this now before the axe falls on this subject. In the end it is up to us (the masses involved, the majority) to point this out and not to tolerate it, so get off that couch and do something about it now before you start getting zapped and regret it. By the way tech media critics, cell phone technology exists today and not in some imaginary future (will not mention critics or show but you know who you are) so this topic will effect all of us now even the few elite among us.
I have always said, since the advent of data limits by the carriers that the practice was unfair and also crippling to the video on demand or streaming industry which is just begining to flourish with innovations. These rules and practices stifle innovations in these industries and is a greedy power play by the carriers to earn more income at the expense of customer service trying to make a quick buck with no regard to their own stable financial futures. As an example, just take a look at our US auto industries plunders and their inevitable fall from the consumers confidence and support where they were forced to file for bankruptcy, mergers, and eliminating many product lines. The auto industry had to adapt to our current reality and seek out the help of the federal government with bailouts (and who knows what else) just to survive and so does the internet carrier companies before they become the GM's and Chrysler's. Consumers in the end is the primary force for success or failure so it's best not to screw with them. It's funny, there are laws currently enacted and several federal & state agencies suppose to protect us from these types of abuses, but they are either have an interest to keep quite and do nothing or they're too stupid to do the jobs they were hired to do (and may I note with expensive salaries to do so).
I enjoyed main street media (non techy) covering this topic like Countdown from MSNBC with Keith Olberman (hope spelling is right) but we all have to become involved and contact the FCC, FTC, the White house or anyone else with power to do something about this now before the axe falls on this subject. In the end it is up to us (the masses involved, the majority) to point this out and not to tolerate it, so get off that couch and do something about it now before you start getting zapped and regret it. By the way tech media critics, cell phone technology exists today and not in some imaginary future (will not mention critics or show but you know who you are) so this topic will effect all of us now even the few elite among us.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Government Crackdown on Online Movies!

Just recently I have noticed some of the favorite web sites to view movies & videos online for free have been either blocked by the feds or have been seriously limited in their ability to provide such videos online. There are a f

Comcastic Offer and Customer Friendly!
I just recently received my new replacement of a free Motorola cable modem from Comcast (My current ISP) along with an added FREE bonus to keep, a Netgear Wireless N 150 router. I was told they are offering this to current customers that have a need for one if they have the older Patriot Media cable modem like devices that I had. It was easy enough to setup initially and then activate over the phone with a Comcast representative but I ran into serious issues when it came to my Vonage's VOIP services. Having a very good Internet signal with Comcast's new cable modem replacement, I thought the cause of the problem was Vonage andspent over 1.5 hours over the phone (cel phone prepaid) with a service support representative(s) telling me to connect and disconnect wires and power to all the units in order to get it working. It seems that some of the older Vonage devices are not quite compatible with the new cable ISP standards and mine could be one of them but Vonage refused to have it replaced without a cost factor to me, which I felt was unjust. In the end I got the Vonage's device to work but not with any of their help at all, on my own as always. It seems that Vonage is plagued with the "treat their customers like crap" syndrome that many other companies are adapting and suffering from at the moment where on the other hand, Comcast that I have been so critical about is taking a more customer friendly policy especially with these two free upgrades.
The new Netgear Wireless router has some especially useful built-in utilities to monitor Internet Use especially handy with Comcast's current data ceiling policy (which I hope they finally remove). This device was really easy to setup and it's built-in interface is a breeze even for the novice of users. It came new with all the documentation & installation CD which is not really required to get it up and running, just a good Internet signal and connection.
In conclusion, I hope that Comcast's present policies continues to be positive ones like this really nice offering that benefitted both parties. Happier and well treated customers are usually better, recommend the service and or company and stay longer with them as truly committed customers.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
IPad Clones rival the Apple Hard to get & Expensive Unit.
While exploring the market of touch tablet PC's on the Internet I have found that there are many really good alternatives reasonably priced and with better features then the infamous Apple IPad which is impossible to get at the moment. So what does a consumer do with

money to burn and desire to buy Apple's Ipad but non available, they look overseas primarily to the chinese market. There are several suppliers andmodels NOW available at the fraction

's they vary in style and size from 7 inch to bigger but I found that the 7 inch to be more hand
friendly & weigh less. Granted these clones do not have Apple's OS, support or maybe even battery life but they don't cost $500 starting and limited to AT&T's death grip of service nor its unchangeable memory storage size once a model is picked and yes you can have one TODAY if you want with Android (a fast growing mobile OS). Be warne
d there are some touch tablet MID's out there like the SMartQ that has installed a very difficult customized and cloned Android system and not the general Android OS without ability to add or customize properly its use despite its hardware perks and price. Main street tech media doesn't really want to cover these overseas items for reasons only one can imagine but you as a consumer can research them online through Youtube videos and others then buy online (I recommend Ebay for its buyer protection policies) so go out and explore Apple is not your only choose ot the best one.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Mac Backtrack on Iphone Issue!
It looks like Apple and Steve Jobs in particular had to swallow some humility pill partially regarding the IPhone's antenna issue after getting attacked finally by Consumer Reports bad recommendations and the heat from the press. Although main stream tech media reporting makes light of the issue, this is a big problem and issue at Apple's attitude towards it's customer based taking for granted their minions and zombie like following that is now corrupted by the not so willing to swallow the mind numbing Apple compliance pill. Now they are offering to give for free the bumper guards up until September of 2010 and refund or give purchase credit for those who bought one since the release of the IPhone 4's from Apple. Apple's problems are not over, there is still the issue of shortages of stock availability of both the Iphone 4 and the previously released IPad's loosing many more customers ready to buy but looking for other alternatives (Wii strategy?). Customers should always come first and NO company should take for granted their following or customers to just blindly continue no matter what abusive practices they wish to impose on them, learn from Microsoft's experience now falling drastically in it's own following it also took for granted. So Apple had it's Toyota moment as some tech journalists have said just recently on their online podcast's (the real future of tech journalism). Despite this fix by Apple and semi apology (really?) by Steve Jobs (the GOD of Apple World), I still predict that the overall sales will not reach expected due to these issues and other pointed out by users. Don't get me wrong they will sell plenty and cause the market to move but I don't believe they will get what was foretasted by both Apple and tech media. I still personally like Apple products despite it's faults but must think twice about committing to any new product of theirs until some of these issues are addressed.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
HD2 vs EVO from HTC.
The past days I have had to review the advantages and disadvantages of the HTC's HD2 from T-Mobile and the soon to be released HTC EVO from Sprint cell phones. Both have an impressive screen size and just beg to be used not only as a cell phone but multimedia viewing portably and web browsing but there are some problems. Starting with T-Mobile's HD2 they seem not have enough for the demand and current subscribers to their services are not able to get them either online, over the phone or at some T-Mobile store locations. They are working on allowing online upgrade purchasing (or being put on waiting list until they have enough of them) but at the time of writ ting this article no such creature. As far as ordering the phone or put on waiting list over phone support, no go yet. A few stores of T-Mobile will not even allow current T-Mobile customers from getting them even if they have stock unless you are a new subscriber, nice way to say to T-Mobile clients we value your commitment. Now all these troubles may be directly related to the shortage of the HD2 or not but there are other issues for both T-Mobile sales to consider and T-Mobile clients with no contracts or one coming to an end soon and that is would the be better off with the EVO from Sprint. The HD2 (according to rumors) with its Windows Mobile 6.5 will not be able to upgrade to version 7 when released soon by Microsoft where as the EVO's use of Android keeps it up to date.Also some features of the EVO surpass that of the HD2 like HDMI connection, 8MP camera, 720P video recording capabilities and wifi hot spot feature supporting up to 8 devices but it's not all green for Sprint with an existing unfriendly data policy or pricing of plans. The fact that the HD2 was released 1st gives T-Mobile the edge but if non are in stock it will be a short lived advantage. Both HTC cell phones regardless are in my opinion the next generational IPhone replacements stressing (at least in features) an every growing demand of online media streaming. With either of the phones you basically would have a cell phone (of course), a camera (both photo & video) and a mini IPad like device to browse the Internet with visual comfort even if the larger size maybe a bit cumbersome to those used to smaller cell phones. Right now in my opinion T-Mobile is more better priced plans & conditions plus their customer service support is the best I have seen so far, something to think about before making any switch. Let us see what will happen. Added note, the HD2 does not currently support commonly used flash video formats, shame Windows Mobile 6 and T-Mobile.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Comcast's 250GB limit Reality?
Many a times I have raised the issue about my ISP's lack of providing a descent internet service to people like me and others. I was harping about this issue (as many of you would know) for some time even before when Comcast was Patriot media, testing them sometimes daily and or weekly my broadband speeds through the use of web sites like dslreports and others their quality of connection. I have joked about it many times on my twitter account hoping that it can attract the attention of someone within Comcast's power to correct the problem properly only to get excuses and false illusions of handling the situation for the purpose of good public appearance. Then I choose to take it to the next level (after being ignored) to our government agencies like the FCC and also some elected officials. The poor and improperly advertised promises of speed performance currently active does not allow for fair adjustments to our bills and this also unfair to consumers. This past January (according to postings) Comcast has implimented their 250GB limit but the reasons are really unclear for this policy other then the fear that too many people today are using the internet to view shows and programs rather then regular cable channels with many paid ads, a trend I do not believe Comcast or other cable providers want because of lack of control only because they don't see how to. Now because of my actions (reporting them) I am being targeted unjustly and why the government agencies in charge of protecting consumers like me from these types of attacks is absent in protecting me. The short sited actions of a few individuals in Comcast to pursue these ways of retaliation (and others who may complain as well in the future), do not take into account my ability to post and use the Internet by other means like wifi hot spots with iphone or tablet. Short sited in both the future of the Internet, media and the ever growing use of individuals of the net in replacement of controlled outdated cable channels, Comcast and other ISP's will suffer greatly and so will the majority of Internet users despite the 99% unrealistic stats they report. This should not discourage us from pointing them out or complaining to the proper people and or agency until someone listens and the probllem is corrected.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Apple reports a surge in sales of 90%?
Is this really a surprise for anyone except me and the rest of us? Guess what device is causing this surge, yes the new IPad. Even people overseas (who have yet have the IPad released for sale) are willing to pay up $5k for one according to reports about ebays sales of IPad's. This device will awaken the long sleepy giant need for a descent tablet for consumers its just that the industry like always is just too slow to see it. But it is here and the frenzy is about to begin thanks to Apple finally releasing a descent tablet, much needed. So what are the other players going to do about? Hopefully create other great tablets and cheap that will rival the IPad to all of our benefit. I still see laptop sales and or netbooks starting to suffer because of this soon or in the near future you'll see.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
MS Office Live Leaves users dead in the water!
As of this past week the Microsoft Office Live online feature that has been around for the past several years or more has been cut from the MS arsenal leaving the end users with a bitter pill to swallow. With no alternatives or very little, their domain names and emails attached to their Office live accounts have been thrown to the winds over seas to foreign IT companies to renew but data has been lost in most if not all of the accounts in question. This just lets you know just how much you can trust the big Microsoft presence in computer related data technologies on your invested time in their products. They do still offer Office live web presence but can you really trust them to reliably hold your hard work or data over time without at one time pulling the rug from underneath you like they have just done with their Office Live accounts? I do not think so and that's why you must really rethink if you can really trust the great Microsoft with your data or work on projects online, the cloud or any other web presence services they have to offer that holds your data hostage.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Apple Finally Releases the New IPad!
Some of the Key features are:
The new Apple IPad was finally announced in a 1.5 pound WI-FI unit or 1.6 pound WI-FI + 3G model with high resolution 9.7 inch LED-backlit, IPS (in-plane switching) display that allows you to do web browsing, watch movies, or look at photos of families and or friends in portrait or landscape modes. It uses a display technology called IPS that has a wide 178° viewing angle allowing you to hold it in almost any way you want, and still get an good picture, with acceptable color and contrast levels. Being thin and light, the iPad has a slight curve to the back with a battery life expected to be up to 10 hours long even while surfing the web with WI-FI, viewing videos or listening to music. Wireless 802.11n is built into all units with Bluetooth 2.1 & EDR which allows you to connect wireless headphones or Apple wireless keyboards (accessories). The IPad will also be available with some models with 3G models with speeds up to 7.2 Mbps for when your on the move or traveling.At the heart of the new IPad from Apple is their new A4 chip custom designed by Apple engineers for extreme power (so they say) yet extremely efficient. The IPad will be available with 3 memory storage models of 16, 32, or 64 GB of flash storage. Built in audio connector for output for listening and a built-in microphone along with a built-in speaker to produce sound. There are some accessories that are going to be available I am sure plus more to come. All app-store applications are supposed to be compatible with this new unit including games with a new feature that doubles pixels for graphics. The 3G model feature is an incredible offer not because of the price of the model but the price of AT&T's service and NO CONTRACT offer & Wifi hotspots. This is going to turn not only the netbook industry on its ears but revitalize the lagging and dead slow tablet industry of the past.
The new Apple IPad was finally announced in a 1.5 pound WI-FI unit or 1.6 pound WI-FI + 3G model with high resolution 9.7 inch LED-backlit, IPS (in-plane switching) display that allows you to do web browsing, watch movies, or look at photos of families and or friends in portrait or landscape modes. It uses a display technology called IPS that has a wide 178° viewing angle allowing you to hold it in almost any way you want, and still get an good picture, with acceptable color and contrast levels. Being thin and light, the iPad has a slight curve to the back with a battery life expected to be up to 10 hours long even while surfing the web with WI-FI, viewing videos or listening to music. Wireless 802.11n is built into all units with Bluetooth 2.1 & EDR which allows you to connect wireless headphones or Apple wireless keyboards (accessories). The IPad will also be available with some models with 3G models with speeds up to 7.2 Mbps for when your on the move or traveling.At the heart of the new IPad from Apple is their new A4 chip custom designed by Apple engineers for extreme power (so they say) yet extremely efficient. The IPad will be available with 3 memory storage models of 16, 32, or 64 GB of flash storage. Built in audio connector for output for listening and a built-in microphone along with a built-in speaker to produce sound. There are some accessories that are going to be available I am sure plus more to come. All app-store applications are supposed to be compatible with this new unit including games with a new feature that doubles pixels for graphics. The 3G model feature is an incredible offer not because of the price of the model but the price of AT&T's service and NO CONTRACT offer & Wifi hotspots. This is going to turn not only the netbook industry on its ears but revitalize the lagging and dead slow tablet industry of the past.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Boxee Beta DOA Solutions for MAC!
My last article about the Boxee DOA Beta release has a solution an although it's a relatively easy fix, it should of been more been announced to the general public and it was not or better yet it should been fixed before being released but anyway there is a fix. The following will help those who have not already been helped.
Instructions taken from the website are:
First, make sure you have done a clean install of Boxee.
This means not only uninstalling Boxee, but also deleting/moving your Boxee configuration directory:
on os x (and the apple tv):
~/Library/Application Support/BOXEE/
on linux:
on windows xp:
c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\BOXEE\
on windows vista/7:
* on unix-like operating systems '~' means 'users home directory' (ie: /home/[username]/)
* boxee keeps all user-related config info in: 'UserData' (guisettings.xml, advancedsettings.xml, etc)
* boxee keeps all profile-related config info in: '/UserData/profiles/[profilename]/'
After you have done this, if your issue persists, please enable advanced logging, and provide your logs:
Please post all issues in the 'Beta Issues Forum':
Instructions taken from the website are:
First, make sure you have done a clean install of Boxee.
This means not only uninstalling Boxee, but also deleting/moving your Boxee configuration directory:
on os x (and the apple tv):
~/Library/Application Support/BOXEE/
on linux:
on windows xp:
c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\BOXEE\
on windows vista/7:
* on unix-like operating systems '~' means 'users home directory' (ie: /home/[username]/)
* boxee keeps all user-related config info in: 'UserData' (guisettings.xml, advancedsettings.xml, etc)
* boxee keeps all profile-related config info in: '/UserData/profiles/[profilename]/'
After you have done this, if your issue persists, please enable advanced logging, and provide your logs:
Please post all issues in the 'Beta Issues Forum':
Friday, January 15, 2010
Boxee Beta Release Problems!
With the new release of the new Boxee there are many issues not being discussed by the many happy kiss-up tech journalists in the media like it doesn't work properly (Windows Version), doesn't work at all(Mac Version) or it's missing all together(AppleTV). You would think that with this CES show that just ended that the powers that be would tell us a little more truth about the Boxee wonder of this past year and expected trend of this new year. But instead of leading the pack it has fallen behind because of these issues and it's a shame since they (in my opinion) are who started the whole drive to get a living room type of entertainment experience via the internet through first the AppleTV device. They have come out with their own version of a Boxee device this year (hopefully it works) via another manufacturer but they have seem to have forgotten the other segments of interest or at least it seams so. Online there is some sort of geek fix to the AppleTV problem to get the Beta Boxee to function so I guess someone will have it work but that leaves a lot of people out in the wind blowing, nice way to treat your followers Boxee. I still have hopes that the Boxee team will fix these issues and become a reliable company in the future but shame, shame, shame people.
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