Through the use of Ebay's listings to purchase many items (recommend it) and other sources you can find easily, you can get a cheap but useful IPad like device made in China. These touch tablets (EPad/ APad) are inexpensive to get, and fill in a hole left open by the fever to get an IPad when none are available through Apple's website or stores due to their shortages. Leave it to Apple's big shots to start a new wave of need and then not take advantage of it by making enough units. Most IPad owners lucky enough to get one are in the tech media with a few exceptions. I also found its small 7 inch footprint to be easier to handle for long periods of time in my hand(s).

Having sparked my childhood curiosity of knowing what's inside and makes it work, I tore into my Epad to be surprised by the level of technology and design these so called CHEAP touch tablets have inside. It should really be no surprise to anyone this fact because most or our products are made overseas like china and they have the experience to do something like this but outside the US corporate control of over pricing and gauging the consumers. Most US based tech reviewers and so called experts do not have it in their interests to speak positively about these products preferring to convince us that our USA branded ones are better, you feel better paying for more I guess. There are exceptions to this tech media bias but they are few, so take care who's advice you believe before buying, they have hidden agendas and many times sponsors that encourage them to do this.
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