I just recently received my new replacement of a free
Motorola cable modem from
Comcast (My current ISP) along with an added FREE bonus to keep, a
Netgear Wireless N 150 router. I was told they are offering this to current customers that have a need for one if they have the older Patriot Media cable modem like devices that I had. It was easy enough to setup initially and then activate over the phone with a
Comcast representative but I ran into serious issues when it came to my Vonage's VOIP services. Having a very good Internet signal with Comcast's new cable modem replacement, I thought the cause of the problem was
Vonage andspent over 1.5 hours over the phone (cel phone prepaid)
with a service support representative(s) telling me to connect and disconnect wires and power to all the units in order to get it working. It seems that some of the older
Vonage devices are not quite compatible with the new cable ISP standards and mine could be one of them but
Vonage refused to have it replaced without a cost factor to me, which I felt was unjust. In the end I got the Vonage's device to work but not with any of their help at all, on my own as always. It seems that
Vonage is plagued with the "treat their customers like crap" syndrome that many other companies are adapting and suffering from at the moment where on the other hand,
Comcast that I have been so critical about is taking a more customer friendly policy especially with these two free upgrades.

The new Netgear Wireless router has some especially useful built-in utilities to monitor Internet Use especially handy with Comcast's current data ceiling policy (which I hope they finally remove). This device was really easy to setup and it's built-in interface is a breeze even for the novice of users. It came new with all the documentation & installation CD which is not really required to get it up and running, just a good Internet signal and connection.
In conclusion, I hope that Comcast's present policies continues to be positive ones like this really nice offering that benefitted both parties. Happier and well treated customers are usually better, recommend the service and or company and stay longer with them as truly committed customers.