Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The New Boxee Box is here finally!

Graphic.png      Well its finally here after a long drawn out wait for it, the boxee box made from d-link. There are good things about this media box for the living room and then there are bad ones, big ones too. Although the interface seems to enjoy the same ease of use that has made boxee a success among many of us lazy media browsers on both Mac and PC's there are some differences in presentation that we all are a customer to. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Review of the Roku Box from Netgear!

 This is my attempt to review the new Roku box that are available right now at some of the local retail stores as well as various online web sites like the manufacturers, First factor that impressed me was the price for what it offered in comparison to other living room type of media boxes using the internet as its primary source. I purchased mine at a local Best Buys (didn't want to wait in the mail for it and no extra savings doing so) and chose the elite model for $79.99. I was surprised to see just how simple this device is to setup and that it came with built in wifi abilities allowing me to just about locate it anywhere in my home but the cable connect was available and does provide for a better viewing experience. With the ability (the model I chose) to play 1080P video from various sources (paid or free), I was amazed just how good it performed, the easy and small remote control similar to appleTV's.  This device is a real threat to the boxee box, AppleTV, GoogleTV and others trying to work their way into the living room entertainment business model. I have always enjoyed boxee app on my mac-mini but I could not justify paying so much for the external box created by D-Link for the Boxee group. I still think that the Boxee model is the one to fear and emulate especially since it works so well on mac's PC's. Boxee's owners could take over the market if it just lowered the external boxes price to a reasonable one that competes against the other contenders. So I give it 4 stars out of 5 for the Roku box only lacking in its applications list providing both youtube and  integration with a local PC or Mac for media files to display in the living room or where ever its located. Maybe we will see an app for that on the Roku box soon, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Review of the Roku Box from Netgear!

     This my attempt to review the new Roku box's available at some local retail stores and online as well.
Roku's WebSite

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