ISP Usage and Market Share:
'via Blog this'
Here you will see postings of issues and topics related to the PC, its use, management and problems end users face in the real world. I will also review online services, store merchants and end product quality of items. I will do so without regard to who the manufacturers are, or what their standing are in the industry. Also covered on this blog will be some local issues of interest and the occasional editorials on topics that just grab my attention and may also yours.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Best Buy's False Black tie Service Plans!
The bridgewater, NJ store of Best Buy's is run by arrogant management representatives, and young Geek squad crew poorly experienced in real repair but apparently well trained in turning away clients when their Black Tie service plans are called into question was my sisters and my experience lately. I always believe in working out issue within the entity in question but this has opened my eyes to an underlying issue that could be the rule and not the exception. When you purchase an extended warranty service of Best Buy's Geek Squad called Black Tie, most people do not question the validity or quality to expect if put into action, that is why most who do so buy this service plan but I can see now it is becoming more of a scam then an actual service.
Just recently my sister tried to have her laptop repaired under the added purchase of the Black Tie service agreement that was purchased with the laptop by me only to find out that Best Buy had refused to cover her product and comply with their own agreements. They had said that the damage to the laptop was under accidental damage (or intentional, same thing to them) and that she would be responsible for the total cost of repair. There was just one problem with that posturing, the laptops hinge assembly that caused the laptops screen to crack falls under the normal wear and tear or manufacturers fault clause not accidental damage which is covered according to their own statements.The fact that the normal user with a laptop has to lift the top portion (screen) in orde to use it does not mean that damage was accidentally caused by her after all would you fault a person from opening a refrigerator to acces his food only to find the door falls off its hinges and damages the door (if you were the Geek squad at Best Buys' you probably would just to get out of the commitment)?
I tried to contact the main offices through phone, email and other ways to try to resolve issue but nothing yet except for a simple email response asking for original receipt copy when they could look it up quite easily in their systems work order section for repairs. I guess any excuse to delay responding to the customers concerns in a timely fashion or discourage them from perusing it, not in this case this will happen. Like I said I responded and have my fingers crossed that Best Buy's in there infinite business frame of mind does not allow this clearly wrong situation from becoming a thorn on their sides durring this christmas season shopping after all who's going to buy any product from a company that demonstrates that kind of abuse of the customer and the laws that protect consumers from fraud? Lets hope that Best Buy representatives resolve this and any other issue like this quickly and correctly soon. I will keep this issue alive and post any updates as I come across them until it has been resolved, until then take care about your purchases at Best Buy's especially adding any questionable service plans until you know they really do comply.
Best Buy's False Black tie Service Plans!
The bridgewater, NJ store of Best Buy's is run by arrogant management representatives, and young Geek squad crew poorly experienced in real repair but apparently well trained in turning away clients when their Black Tie service plans are called into question
My sister tried to have her laptop repaired under the added purchase Black Tie service agreement only to find Best Buy to refuse covering and complying with their own agreement.
Contacted main offices through phone, email and other ways to try to resolve issue.
My sister tried to have her laptop repaired under the added purchase Black Tie service agreement only to find Best Buy to refuse covering and complying with their own agreement.
Monday, September 12, 2011
When is a Geek a really Geek?

When is a Geek a really Geek?
While listening to one of my many video podcast shows, the topic of geek came up over and over again and it made me wonder what really is a geek today as opposed to the past when it all started. In the past a geek was an enthusiast who explored into a technical topic like electronics using sometimes the cover of repair technician but always at home spending hours and hours exploring and learning, Most geeks of the past in technology had hard times trying to find information to clarify a doubt or learn and being recognized for his or her expertise even though most involved were young curious males. For many years the geek was a lonely soul forced to travel long distances to find parts, manuals and more sharing mostly in weekly or monthly club local meetings. If the general public saw a "Geek" with his technology like personal computers. The common opinion was they were wasting their time playing with toys, boy has history proven them all wrong especially office workers that had to leave because the typewriters and other old obsolete office equipment was being replaced and they had to learn how to use it or loose their jobs. The educational system throughout the country refused for the most part to hire really experienced geeks to teach their students many aspects related to the personal computers and MAC's (Mainly Mac's due to agreements Apple was lucky to obtain with officials) and many students found themselves being misdirected and not taught properly, only at the home environment had they a chance to really learn if they wanted to. Many of those pioneering Geek's of the past that did the legwork are not rich or famous, only a lucky few today can claim fame and riches. There are still true Geek's today but it has become the costume of many in the media to label anyone who can say hard drive a Geek. In the past journalists who wrote about technology now today enjoy the title of Geek or technology wizard and enthusiast and even though they know a lot from years of writing about tech topics, they are NOT a true Geek just because. I don;t think there is a problem saying they are well educated in the topic but the self proclaimed title of geek is wrong and should be talked about not by tech journalists but current geeks and the industry experts that come close to geekhood. So in conlusion maybe you should start talking and writting about science today and tomorow you could be by default without the real legwork be proclaim by yourself (what an ego issue) and others that know no better, who knows.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
VRPCWORLD's-TechRant, Episode#24
In this account I cover the news of that day like tablets, Google+, lawsuits on copyrights and others. I also speak about the 30th anniversary of the IBM PC in my perspective as it relates to the REAL experience, not the phony one pushed by others glorifying the IBM LATE entry into the PC's. Also covered is the economy as it relates to us and a mention about the great town of Hillsborough, NJ's justice system so it should promise to be at least an interesting podcast. A Newer & Better look I think in presentation people.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Tablet Wars March On!
Another Great video/ podcast created by me that covers many topics and (hopefully) will be consistently recorded and posted on a weekly basis. I'm trying to establish some sort of coherent way of posting my podcasts and also updating my blogger site but not yet possible in any reliable way, will do so soon I hope. Meanwhile enjoy the video and or episode and keep in touch with your comments here and at all sites connected to this show, TechRant. Thanks and enjoy.......
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Keep up to date on my Podcasts at my YouTube Channel+!
Everyone can keep up to date with my newest (and old) podcasts at my YouTube channel, Vimeo and Ustream channel (all refer to vrpcworld, easy). So if you want the latest of my ranting in video format then tune in and please send feedback and or comments. I am always reading your feedback and comments to try to make the show better just please keep it civil (not like me, right?). Many episodes to view so just browse. Thanks for following me on the Internet.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The New IPhone 4 for Verizon finally coming!
Well it looks that it finally happened, Apple has slightly turned their backs on AT&T's exclusive hold on the IPhone's since it's 1st initial generation release. It may not be wise just to blame the AT&T solely for policies strictly enforced and we will eventually learn the details of that little scandal but for now all Verizon lovers rejoice, your dreams have come true or maybe your worst nightmare only time will truly tell.
Apple's web site is already reflecting the change by offering to purchase the IPhone at the unattainable prices and I definitely would not pay that much for it, especially since it will become absolute as soon as the Verizon IPhone 4 2.0 is sold. So if you are into collectables and want one of the 1st 4th generation or IPhone 4 then act quickly at a $660+ price for the lower end model and over $780 for the elite. Why not you fanatics have money to burn in this really bad economy on a cell phone of all things. I'll stop before I become too political on this article, post or whatever you want to call it.
CES 2011 is over and will IPhone 4 go to Verizon!
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