Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Death of Cable TV!

Reading and listening to many of the news related articles in reference to the cable industries last attempts to stay alive within the new world order of the Internet revolution, has made me to imagine quite easily a world without Cable TV service at all. With net neutrality becoming a topic to discuss not only in our homes but now with our federal government agencies and elected officials, how it will affect the cable TV industry is a very scary topic for the industry or media to bring up at this time. You have to wonder how cable TV will be able to continue when so many people (and growing every moment) now more and more dependent on direct access to movies and shows on the internet when they want it and NOT from a cable TV channel line-up. The cell phone industries boom lately had a lot to do with the publics ever growing demand for more media intense content online. This puts the cell phone providers (and also Cable TV) in a corner of unexpected and uncontrolled data hunger from the public. It is in many ways directly related to Apple's unpredicted talented attempts to make cell phones & mobile devices used more with media friendly Internet apps but the home desktop use has largely been ignored and it's on the rise. This is largely due to the news medias lack off reporting on this not very well discussed or openly subject of the industry (what problem?).

The cable providers band aid cure (as we can see) are just imposing unwarranted data ceiling limits to the general public and making up excuses that they "just can't handle it". An industry that has been around so long and claim to be able to provide unsustainable speed performance most of the time to the consumers as reported just recently by the Federal government agencies that oversee them. Now Apple and in some parts Google's Android OS has created another surge in demand for content with their new product lines success. The Android OS is now powering up many cell phone devices and is on its way to becoming the de-facto OS for most tablets to come and who knows what else. The demand is great but the need to know by those involve in the industry on how to gouge their consumers inside this new world order is scary but they are working on it believe me. The consumer must be vigilant against this new form of consumer abuse within our new Internet world to come or the industry will have its way. The audio and video industry is learning how not to completely stifle the innovative leaps in technology, they need to so as well.

So do not be surprised if someday soon you see different packages from your cable providers making less emphasis on their Cable TV channel line-ups and more on phone services (cell also) and of course your direct line access to the Internet based services. We are all seeing how many home intended devices (TV's, Blue-ray players and more) are Internet friendly with built in and downloadable apps ready. At times, these devices are a bit too friendly for the cable industry to handle, but thats ok. They have cured it (at least they think so) with the "finger-in-the-dyke" analogy of hope and their data limit policies rammed down our throats.

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