Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The New IPhone 4 for Verizon finally coming!

     Well it looks that it finally happened, Apple has slightly turned their backs on AT&T's exclusive hold on the IPhone's since it's 1st initial generation release. It may not be wise just to blame the AT&T solely for policies strictly enforced and we will eventually learn the details of that little scandal but for now all Verizon lovers rejoice, your dreams have come true or maybe your worst nightmare only time will truly tell.

     Apple's web site is already reflecting the change by offering to purchase the IPhone at the unattainable prices and I definitely would not pay that much for it, especially since it will become absolute as soon as the Verizon IPhone 4 2.0 is sold. So if you are into collectables and want one of the 1st 4th generation or IPhone 4 then act quickly at a $660+ price for the lower end model and over $780 for the elite. Why not you fanatics have money to burn in this really bad economy on a cell phone of all things. I'll stop before I become too political on this article, post or whatever you want to call it.

CES 2011 is over and will IPhone 4 go to Verizon!

    Well another CES has come and gone and the hot overwhelming product being displayed were of course the touch tablets from various manufacturers like Dell and others but will they be affordable and will they become reality, we will have to see. Netflix is hot this year as a streaming online video provider not to mention their in the mail DVD's & Blue-ray CD's. You will probably find this very popular service on many devices like TV's, blue-ray players, Roku boxes and others. They did it right but must slack off and keep offering better services to compete especially with Amazon, Vudu, and Hulu plus like services. 

     Last year many touch tablets that were introduced but few if any were actually produced for retail sales. Hewlett Packard (HP) was one of the slow to move on the touch tablet craze and still lacking even lacking today. Many podcasters covering the event dreaded covering the tablet craze content with the Apple fix with their expensive and exclusive IPad's but although the IPad did very well in sales this holiday season, there is a ever growing need for an affordable non-Apple touch tablet with Android OS and even Windows from Microsoft. It's not beyond these from becoming a reality if it were not for the fear factor of these many US based makers of PC products but it's a different story for the makers overseas especially the influx of cheap affordable touch tablets from china and other countries. It seems that the 7 inch forma factor is a bit more popular then Steve Jobs and other industry experts said was not an attractive one just look at the Galaxy. You can walk into any Best buys and other retail stores and see there are 7 inch touch tablets ready to be purchased and would be interesting to see just how many were purchased in the last 3 months (curve, quantity and locations).

     The new Motorola proposed Xoom tablet was an impressive tablet and the new super cell phone that attaches to a skeleton type netback is a great concept but price will affect it's success not to mention who the carrier is. Most likely it will be the favored Verizon new tablet by the podcasters and industry experts ( what do they know anyway with a bottomless money pocket unlike the rest of us). This device holds a lot of promise and will be using the newer Android HoneyComb version especially created to address the many tablets being produced with larger screens then a small cell phone of today. Others will be making tablets and we will have to see which ones actually catch on to the regular American consumers.

     There were others gadgets displayed at the show like speakers systems and such but one left over push for 3D TV's was very apparent at the CES event by many manufacturers. Some were without the need for glasses with poor group view abilities (made for loners) and rumors to make the already 3DTV's more cheaper or as they would say, more affordable to the general public so they can justify making so many without a real demand for them thanks to in part Hollywood's moguls. I'm in the opinion that the 3DTV's will not catch on as they would like and many 3DTV's will be in warehouses and in stores waiting for someone to adopt them (dust & spider webs). A positive note to that is when you are in the market to buy a new TV (HD/ FHD-1080p) you may be able to get one of these unwanted 3DTV's at a lower price (markdown) just to get rid of them even if you will probably never use the 3D feature, who wants to wear googles? The promising field of TV's are OLED, 4K and ultra thin LED's, that will attact consumers. Just my opinion anyway, take it or leave it. For more information on CES 2011 visit sites like Revision3, CNET, TwitTV and others including Googles Youtube video arsenal that cover the topic. Also don't forget to visit my site for my little take on the industry along with my podcasts at youtube.

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