Saturday, February 20, 2010

MS Office Live Leaves users dead in the water!

As of this past week the Microsoft Office Live online feature that has been around for the past several years or more has been cut from the MS arsenal leaving the end users with a bitter pill to swallow. With no alternatives or very little, their domain names and emails attached to their Office live accounts have been thrown to the winds over seas to foreign IT companies to renew but data has been lost in most if not all of the accounts in question. This just lets you know just how much you can trust the big Microsoft presence in computer related data technologies on your invested time in their products. They do still offer Office live web presence but can you really trust them to reliably hold your hard work or data over time without at one time pulling the rug from underneath you like they have just done with their Office Live accounts? I do not think so and that's why you must really rethink if you can really trust the great Microsoft with your data or work on projects online, the cloud or any other web presence services they have to offer that holds your data hostage.

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