Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mac Backtrack on Iphone Issue!

It looks like Apple and Steve Jobs in particular had to swallow some humility pill partially regarding the IPhone's antenna issue after getting attacked finally by Consumer Reports bad recommendations and the heat from the press. Although main stream tech media reporting makes light of the issue, this is a big problem and issue at Apple's attitude towards it's customer based taking for granted their minions and zombie like following that is now corrupted by the not so willing to swallow the mind numbing Apple compliance pill. Now they are offering to give for free the bumper guards up until September of 2010 and refund or give purchase credit for those who bought one since the release of the IPhone 4's from Apple. Apple's problems are not over, there is still the issue of shortages of stock availability of both the Iphone 4 and the previously released IPad's loosing many more customers ready to buy but looking for other alternatives (Wii strategy?). Customers should always come first and NO company should take for granted their following or customers to just blindly continue no matter what abusive practices they wish to impose on them, learn from Microsoft's experience now falling drastically in it's own following it also took for granted. So Apple had it's Toyota moment as some tech journalists have said just recently on their online podcast's (the real future of tech journalism). Despite this fix by Apple and semi apology (really?) by Steve Jobs (the GOD of Apple World), I still predict that the overall sales will not reach expected due to these issues and other pointed out by users. Don't get me wrong they will sell plenty and cause the market to move but I don't believe they will get what was foretasted by both Apple and tech media. I still personally like Apple products despite it's faults but must think twice about committing to any new product of theirs until some of these issues are addressed.

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